In this e-seminar, Dr. Georges LIMBERT will present some of his group’s latest research in skin biophysics and demonstrate how the use of SIMULIA technology accelerated his research.

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Skin is the largest human organ and is the first line of defense against everything ranging from the cold and heat to germs, and offers protection from scrapes and falls. Of course, skin is also the most visible organ and much attention is paid to the quality of the skin.

Virtual Human Modeling and Simulation has seen significant advances in recent years as nicely captured in the SIMULIA Community News Magazine, but there is still limited awareness of the current state of the biophysical simulation of the skin.

In this e-seminar, Dr. Georges LIMBERT will present some of his group’s latest research in skin biophysics and demonstrate how the use of SIMULIA technology accelerated his research. He will cover the latest modelling theories and simulation tools used to characterize, predict, and exploit some of the multiphysics aspects of the human skin.

We hope that this e-seminar and resulting discussions will stimulate new ideas in all industrial sectors where predicting the multiphysical response of the skin is relevant, such as in medical devices, personal care and consumer good products, cosmetics, pharmaceutics, military, safety, sport, consumer electronics, and even legal sectors.


  • Constitutive modeling using Abaqus
  • Imaging techniques used to characterize the skin microstructure and subsequently develop anatomically-based computational models
  • Computational contact homogenization procedures to study skin friction and skin wrinkles